Finding the best chocolate bars#

đź“– Background#

A specialty foods import company wants to expand into gourmet chocolate bars. Let’s research this market to inform the initial approach to potential suppliers.

After finding valuable chocolate bar ratings online, we will need to explore if the chocolate bars with the highest ratings share any characteristics that could help narrow down the search for suppliers (e.g., cacao percentage, bean country of origin, etc.)

đź’ľ The data#

The data file contains the following information (source):#

  • “id” - id number of the review

  • “manufacturer” - Name of the bar manufacturer

  • “company_location” - Location of the manufacturer

  • “year_reviewed” - From 2006 to 2021

  • “bean_origin” - Country of origin of the cacao beans

  • “bar_name” - Name of the chocolate bar

  • “cocoa_percent” - Cocoa content of the bar (%)

  • “num_ingredients” - Number of ingredients

  • “ingredients” - B (Beans), S (Sugar), S* (Sweetener other than sugar or beet sugar), C (Cocoa Butter), (V) Vanilla, (L) Lecithin, (Sa) Salt

  • “review” - Summary of most memorable characteristics of the chocolate bar

  • “rating” - 1.0-1.9 Unpleasant, 2.0-2.9 Disappointing, 3.0-3.49 Recommended, 3.5-3.9 Highly Recommended, 4.0-5.0 Oustanding

Acknowledgments: Brady Brelinski, Manhattan Chocolate Society

đź’Ş Challenge#

This notebooks aims to report on the following questions:

  1. What is the average rating by country of origin?

  2. How many bars were reviewed for each of those countries?

  3. Create plots to visualize findings for questions 1 and 2.

  4. Is the cacao bean’s origin an indicator of quality?

  5. [Optional] How does cocoa content relate to rating? What is the average cocoa content for bars with higher ratings (above 3.5)?

  6. [Optional 2] Your research indicates that some consumers want to avoid bars with lecithin. Compare the average rating of bars with and without lecithin (L in the ingredients).

  7. Summarize your findings.


  • The average rating by country of origin ranges from 2.71 to 3.63. The country with the highest average rating is Tobago, whereas the lowest is Puerto Rico.

  • The highest numbers of bars were reviewed for the country Venezulea with 253 bars reviewed.

  • Cocoa bean’s country of origin is not an indicator of quality.

  • Cocoa percent and rating is not correlated. The average cocao content for bars with higher ratings (above 3.5) is 71.108.

  • The average rating of bars without Lecithin is higher than bars with the ingredient.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
sns.set(rc = {'figure.figsize':(20,5)})'ggplot')
# Function to display value on seaborn barplot
def show_values_on_bars(axs):
    def _show_on_single_plot(ax):        
        for p in ax.patches:
            _x = p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2
            _y = p.get_y() + p.get_height() + 0.05
            value = '{:.2f}'.format(p.get_height())
            ax.text(_x, _y, value, ha="center") 

    if isinstance(axs, np.ndarray):
        for idx, ax in np.ndenumerate(axs):

Load Data#

# Reading in the data
df = pd.read_csv('data/chocolate_bars.csv')
# Set id as index
df.set_index('id', inplace=True)
# Take a look at the first datapoints
manufacturer company_location year_reviewed bean_origin bar_name cocoa_percent num_ingredients ingredients review rating
2454 5150 U.S.A. 2019 Tanzania Kokoa Kamili, batch 1 76.0 3.0 B,S,C rich cocoa, fatty, bready 3.25
2458 5150 U.S.A. 2019 Dominican Republic Zorzal, batch 1 76.0 3.0 B,S,C cocoa, vegetal, savory 3.50
2454 5150 U.S.A. 2019 Madagascar Bejofo Estate, batch 1 76.0 3.0 B,S,C cocoa, blackberry, full body 3.75
2542 5150 U.S.A. 2021 Fiji Matasawalevu, batch 1 68.0 3.0 B,S,C chewy, off, rubbery 3.00
2546 5150 U.S.A. 2021 Venezuela Sur del Lago, batch 1 72.0 3.0 B,S,C fatty, earthy, moss, nutty,chalky 3.00

Data Size and Structure#

  • Dataset comprises of 2530 observations and 10 columns, of which some are categorical and numerical.

  • num_ingredients and ingredients contains null values.

  • There are no duplicated values.

print(f'Shape: {df.shape}')
Shape: (2530, 10)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 2530 entries, 2454 to 2170
Data columns (total 10 columns):
 #   Column            Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------            --------------  -----  
 0   manufacturer      2530 non-null   object 
 1   company_location  2530 non-null   object 
 2   year_reviewed     2530 non-null   int64  
 3   bean_origin       2530 non-null   object 
 4   bar_name          2530 non-null   object 
 5   cocoa_percent     2530 non-null   float64
 6   num_ingredients   2443 non-null   float64
 7   ingredients       2443 non-null   object 
 8   review            2530 non-null   object 
 9   rating            2530 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(1), object(6)
memory usage: 217.4+ KB
year_reviewed cocoa_percent num_ingredients rating
count 2530.000000 2530.000000 2443.000000 2530.000000
mean 2014.374308 71.639723 3.041343 3.196344
std 3.968267 5.616724 0.913728 0.445321
min 2006.000000 42.000000 1.000000 1.000000
25% 2012.000000 70.000000 2.000000 3.000000
50% 2015.000000 70.000000 3.000000 3.250000
75% 2018.000000 74.000000 4.000000 3.500000
max 2021.000000 100.000000 6.000000 4.000000
manufacturer         0
company_location     0
year_reviewed        0
bean_origin          0
bar_name             0
cocoa_percent        0
num_ingredients     87
ingredients         87
review               0
rating               0
dtype: int64

Missing Data#

For the 87 records that have missing information. If ingredients is NaN, then num_ingredients is also NaN. Therefore num_ingredients is MNAR (missing not at random).

df[df.num_ingredients.isnull() & df.ingredients.isnull()]
manufacturer company_location year_reviewed bean_origin bar_name cocoa_percent num_ingredients ingredients review rating
1964 Amazing Cacao Russia 2017 Peru Maranon 70.0 NaN NaN raisins, pungent 3.00
1964 Amazing Cacao Russia 2017 Peru Platan Bajo 70.0 NaN NaN few grits, blackcherry, licorice 3.50
486 Artisan du Chocolat U.K. 2010 Venezuela Venezuela 100.0 NaN NaN very nutty, very bitter 1.75
81 Bonnat France 2006 Blend One Hundred 100.0 NaN NaN acidic, bitter, dry 1.50
341 Bouga Cacao (Tulicorp) Ecuador 2009 Ecuador El Oro, Hacienda de Oro 100.0 NaN NaN cardboard, very bitter, floral 1.50
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
153 Vintage Plantations (Tulicorp) U.S.A. 2007 Ecuador Los Rios, Rancho Grande 2004/2007 100.0 NaN NaN bland, mild fruit, strong bitter 2.00
153 Vintage Plantations (Tulicorp) U.S.A. 2007 Ecuador Los Rios, Rancho Grande 2004/2007 90.0 NaN NaN some fruit, strong bitter 2.00
153 Vintage Plantations (Tulicorp) U.S.A. 2007 Ecuador Los Rios, Rancho Grande 2004/2007 75.0 NaN NaN cocoa,earthy,very astringent 3.00
733 Whittakers New Zealand 2011 Ghana Ghana 72.0 NaN NaN sticky, dry, vanilla dominates 2.50
1109 Willie's Cacao U.K. 2013 Indonesia Java, Indonesian Black 100.0 NaN NaN fruit, strong smoke, bitter 2.25

87 rows Ă— 10 columns

1. What is the average rating by country of origin?#

The average rating by country of origin ranges from 2.71 to 3.63.
The country with the highest average rating is Tobago, whereas the lowest is Puerto Rico.

avg_rating_by_origin = (
    .sort_values(by="rating", ascending=False)
bean_origin rating
54 Tobago 3.625000
7 China 3.500000
42 Sao Tome & Principe 3.500000
44 Solomon Islands 3.450000
9 Congo 3.318182
... ... ...
43 Sierra Leone 2.750000
47 St.Vincent-Grenadines 2.750000
38 Principe 2.750000
30 Martinique 2.750000
39 Puerto Rico 2.714286

62 rows Ă— 2 columns

ax = sns.barplot(x="bean_origin", y="rating", data=avg_rating_by_origin[0:8])
plt.title("Top 8 average rating by country of origin", fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel("Country of Origin", fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel("Average rating", fontsize=16)

2. How many bars were reviewed for each of those countries?#

The highest numbers of bars were reviewed for the country Venezulea with 253 bars reviewed.

bar_count_by_origin = (df
                       .sort_values(by='bar_name', ascending=False)
                       .rename({"bar_name": "no. of bars reviewed"}, axis=1)
bean_origin no. of bars reviewed
60 Venezuela 253
36 Peru 244
13 Dominican Republic 226
14 Ecuador 219
28 Madagascar 177
... ... ...
50 Suriname 1
49 Sumatra 1
48 Sulawesi 1
47 St.Vincent-Grenadines 1
38 Principe 1

62 rows Ă— 2 columns

ax = sns.barplot(x="bean_origin",y="no. of bars reviewed", data=bar_count_by_origin[0:8])
plt.title("Number of bars reviewed by country of origin", fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel("Country of Origin", fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel("Number of bars reviewed", fontsize=16)

3. Is the cacao bean’s origin an indicator of quality?#

Cocoa bean’s country of origin is not an indicator of quality.

sns.boxplot(y="rating", x="bean_origin", data=df)
plt.title("Rating of bean by country of origin", fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel("Country of Origin", fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel("Rating", fontsize=16)

4. How does cocoa content relate to rating?#

cocoa_percent and rating is not correlated.

# calculate Pearson's correlation
corr, _ = pearsonr(df.rating, df.cocoa_percent)
print('Pearsons correlation: %.3f' % corr)

sns.scatterplot(y="rating", x="cocoa_percent", data=df)
plt.title("Rating of bean by cocao content", fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel("Cocao Content %", fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel("Rating", fontsize=16)
Pearsons correlation: -0.147

4.5 What is the average cocoa content for bars with higher ratings (above 3.5)?#

np.round(df[df['rating']>=3.5].cocoa_percent.mean(), 3)

5. Compare the average rating of bars with and without lecithin (L in the ingredients).#

Some consumers want to avoid bars with lecithin.

The average rating of bars without Lecithin is higher than bars with the ingredient.

df = df.dropna()
contains_L = df["ingredients"].str.contains("L")
avg_rating_with_L = round(df[contains_L].rating.mean(), 3)
avg_rating_without_L = round(df[~contains_L].rating.mean(), 3)
print(f"Average rating with lecithin: {avg_rating_with_L}")
print(f"Average rating without lecithin: {avg_rating_without_L}")
Average rating with lecithin: 3.151
Average rating without lecithin: 3.225